


Confirm date and time and book with Auctioneer. Email confirmation to Agent with Authority to Act as Consultant Auctioneer & Booking Fee Invoice. Remind Agent, Auctioneer is not booked until the Authority to Act as Consultant Auctioneer is signed and returned (7 days from verbal booking). Request from Agent, Certificate of Title and encumbrances, Auction Contract & Particulars. Send Calendar invite to Agent and Auctioneer confirming date, time and proeprty address. Add Auction to Bookings schedule. Add Auction to the ASWA website. WEEK PRIOR


Follow up with Agent copy of Certificate of Title and encumbrances, Auction Contract & Particulars. Arrange for Reserve Setting Meeting or conference call. Email Agent Reserve Setting Form to be signed by Sellers. Arrange Auctioneer pack ready for Reserve Meeting. Put Auction property on ASWA Facebook page (invitation to auction). Prompt Auctioneer to touch base with agent and arrange feedback sheet to be sent.


Follow up on sold price or passed in price. Add details to Bookings schedule. Collect Bidding Flow Sheet Update website with sold details. Follow up with Agent for payment of booking fee invoice. Chase up testimonial if great result was reached.

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